Transaction Code: S_KK4_96000034
Description: IS-H: Dado de alta en hospital ext.
Release: ECC 6 only
Screen: 0
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Overview: S_KK4_96000034 is an SAP transaction code used in the IS-H module of the SAP system. It is used to discharge a patient to an external hospital. Functionality: This transaction code allows users to transfer a patient from one hospital to another. It also allows users to enter the details of the external hospital, such as its name and address, and the date of discharge. Step-by-step How to Use: 1. Enter the transaction code S_KK4_96000034 in the command field. 2. Enter the patient’s details, such as name, date of birth, and medical record number. 3. Enter the details of the external hospital, such as its name and address. 4. Enter the date of discharge from the current hospital. 5. Click “Save” to save the changes and discharge the patient to the external hospital. Other Recommendations: It is important to ensure that all relevant information is entered correctly before discharging a patient to an external hospital. Additionally, it is recommended that users double-check all entries before saving them in order to avoid any errors or omissions.
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