1. SAP Transaction Codes
  2. FNIL

FNIL - Visualizar solvencia

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SAP Transaction Code - Details

  • Transaction Code: FNIL

    Description: Visualizar solvencia

    Release: S/4HANA and ECC 6

    Menu Path:

    • Accounting > Bank Applications > Loans Management > New Business > Mortgage Loan > Decision > Credit Standing Calculation > Display
  • Show technical details Hide technical details
    • Program: SAPMF67J

      Screen: 100

      Authorization Object:

    • Development Package: FVVD

      Package Description: Treasury Loans

      Parent Package: FVVD_ZBASIS

    • Module/Component: FS-CML

      Description: Loans Management


  • SAP Tcode: FNIL - Visualizar solvencia
    The SAP transaction code FNIL is used to display the credit standing of a customer in the SAP system. It is a part of the Financial Accounting (FI) module and is used to view the credit limit and credit exposure of a customer. 
    The FNIL transaction code allows users to view the credit limit and credit exposure of a customer. It also provides information on the customer’s payment history, such as overdue payments, payment terms, and payment methods. This information can be used to assess the customer’s creditworthiness and make decisions about granting or denying credit. 
    Step-by-step How to Use: 
    1. Enter the transaction code FNIL in the command field. 
    2. Enter the customer number in the Customer field. 
    3. Click on Execute (F8). 
    4. The Credit Standing screen will appear with information about the customer’s credit limit, credit exposure, payment history, and other relevant data. 
    5. To view more detailed information, click on the Credit Exposure tab at the top of the screen. 
    6. To exit, click on Back (F3). 
    Other Recommendations: 
    It is recommended that users review the customer’s credit standing before granting or denying credit. This can help ensure that customers are not granted more credit than they can handle and that their payments are made on time. Additionally, it is important to regularly review customers’ credit standings to ensure that their financial situation has not changed significantly since their last review.
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