Transaction Code: OVLM
Description: C RV Tab. TROLZ "Route determ."
Release: S/4HANA and ECC 6
Program: SAPL080S
Screen: 120
Authorization Object:
Development Package: VL
Package Description:
Parent Package:
Overview: OVLM - C RV Tab. TROLZ "Route determ." is a SAP transaction code used to determine the route for a particular material in the SAP system. It is used to define the route for a material from the source to the destination. Functionality: This transaction code allows users to define the route for a material from the source to the destination. It also allows users to view and edit existing routes, as well as create new routes. The route can be determined based on various criteria such as cost, time, and distance. Step-by-step How to Use: 1. Enter the transaction code OVLM - C RV Tab. TROLZ "Route determ." in the command field of the SAP system. 2. Enter the material number and select “Display” or “Change” from the menu bar. 3. Select “Create” from the menu bar if you want to create a new route for the material. 4. Enter all necessary information such as source, destination, cost, time, and distance in the appropriate fields. 5. Select “Save” from the menu bar to save your changes or “Cancel” if you want to discard them. 6. Select “Back” from the menu bar to return to the main screen of this transaction code. Other Recommendations: It is recommended that users familiarize themselves with all of the options available in this transaction code before using it. Additionally, users should always double-check their entries before saving any changes they make in order to ensure accuracy and avoid any potential errors or mistakes.
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