Transaction Code: JVB1
Description: Potentiale Bezirk anzeigen
Release: ECC 6 only
Program: SAPMJVB1
Screen: 100
Authorization Object: J_SBEZ
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Overview: The SAP transaction code JVB1 is used to display planned circulation for a carrier route. This transaction code is used to view the planned circulation of a carrier route, which includes the number of copies of a publication that are planned to be distributed in a particular area. Functionality: The JVB1 transaction code allows users to view the planned circulation of a carrier route. This includes the number of copies of a publication that are planned to be distributed in a particular area. The information displayed includes the carrier route, the number of copies, and the date of distribution. Step-by-step How to Use: To use the JVB1 transaction code, follow these steps: 1. Log into SAP and enter the JVB1 transaction code in the command field. 2. Enter the carrier route for which you want to view the planned circulation. 3. Enter the date range for which you want to view the planned circulation. 4. Click “Execute” to view the planned circulation for the specified carrier route and date range. Other Recommendations: It is recommended that users familiarize themselves with other related SAP transaction codes such as JVBC (Display Carrier Route) and JVBE (Display Planned Circulation). These transaction codes can be used in conjunction with JVB1 to view additional information about a carrier route or its planned circulation.
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