1. SAP Transaction Codes
  2. JHR4

JHR4 - IS-M/AM: Abrechnungsliste

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SAP Transaction Code - Details

  • Transaction Code: JHR4

    Description: IS-M/AM: Abrechnungsliste

    Release: ECC 6 only

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    • Program: SAPMJHW1

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  • SAP Tcode: JHR4 - IS-M/AM: Abrechnungsliste
    JHR4 is a SAP transaction code used to display a list of settlements in the Human Resources (HR) module. It is used to view and manage the settlements of employees in the system. 
    JHR4 allows users to view and manage the settlements of employees in the system. It displays a list of settlements, including the settlement type, settlement date, and settlement amount. The list can be filtered by employee, settlement type, and other criteria. 
    Step-by-step How to Use:: 
    1. Enter transaction code JHR4 in the command field. 
    2. Enter the selection criteria for the list of settlements you wish to view. 
    3. Click “Execute” to display the list of settlements. 
    4. To view details for a particular settlement, select it from the list and click “Details”. 
    5. To edit or delete a settlement, select it from the list and click “Edit” or “Delete” respectively. 
    6. To create a new settlement, click “New Entries” and enter the necessary information. 
    7. Click “Save” to save your changes or “Cancel” to discard them. 
    Other Recommendations:: 
    It is recommended that users familiarize themselves with the different types of settlements available in SAP before using transaction code JHR4. Additionally, users should ensure that they have the necessary authorization to view, edit, or delete settlements in the system before proceeding with any changes.
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