Component: PY-JP
Component Name: Japan
Description: Shukko is a kind of personnel exchange, where employees are lent or borrowed between group and related companies. For example, one employee is sent from his or her original company Sending Company to work in another company Receiving Company. Shukko employees sign the valid working contract with the receiving company, but also keep their position in the sending company.
Key Concepts: Shukko is a Japanese payroll term used in the SAP PY-JP Japan component. It is a type of payment made to an employee when they transfer from one company to another. It is also known as a “transfer bonus” or “transfer allowance”. How to use it: In SAP PY-JP Japan, shukko payments are processed through the payroll system. The payment amount is calculated based on the employee’s salary and length of service at the previous company. The payment is then made to the employee when they transfer to the new company. Tips & Tricks: When processing shukko payments, it is important to ensure that all relevant information is included in the payroll system. This includes the employee’s salary and length of service at the previous company, as well as any other relevant details. Related Information: Shukko payments are a common practice in Japan and are regulated by the Japanese government. For more information on shukko payments, please refer to the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare website.
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