Component: IS-M-AMC
Component Name: Advertising Management Classified
Description: Tab page in IS-M/AMC UI on which ad content attributes are entered. A panel belongs to a panel group, which is displayed as a tab in IS-M/AMC UI.
Key Concepts: A panel is a graphical user interface (GUI) element in SAP IS-M-AMC Advertising Management Classifieds. It is a window that contains a set of related fields and controls, such as text boxes, check boxes, and buttons. It is used to display and enter data, as well as to perform tasks. How to use it: To use a panel in SAP IS-M-AMC Advertising Management Classifieds, first select the panel from the list of available panels. Then, enter the data into the fields and controls on the panel. Finally, click the “Save” button to save the data. Tips & Tricks: When entering data into a panel in SAP IS-M-AMC Advertising Management Classifieds, make sure to double-check your entries for accuracy. Also, be sure to save your changes after entering data into a panel. Related Information: For more information about panels in SAP IS-M-AMC Advertising Management Classifieds, please refer to the official SAP documentation.
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