Component: FS-BA-PM-CR
Component Name: Credit Risk
Description: Basel-II-relevant risk arising from changes in the market price of the trading book transaction in question. These price changes arise from changes in the creditworthiness of the issuer. Special market risks can therefore be understood as a form of issuer-related default risk.
Key Concepts: Specific market risk is a type of risk that is associated with the fluctuations of the financial markets. It is a component of the FS-BA-PM-CR Credit Risk Management module in SAP. This module helps organizations to identify, measure, and manage their credit risk exposure. How to use it: The FS-BA-PM-CR Credit Risk Management module in SAP can be used to identify, measure, and manage specific market risk. It provides tools to analyze the financial markets and assess the potential impact of market fluctuations on an organization’s credit risk exposure. Tips & Tricks: It is important to regularly monitor the financial markets and assess the potential impact of market fluctuations on an organization’s credit risk exposure. This can help organizations to identify and manage specific market risk more effectively. Related Information: The FS-BA-PM-CR Credit Risk Management module in SAP also provides tools to analyze credit portfolios and assess the potential impact of credit events on an organization’s credit risk exposure. Additionally, it provides tools to monitor and manage counterparty credit risk.
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