Component: FIN-FIO-FCC
Component Name: Fiori UI for Financial Closing Cockpit
Description: SAP Fiori app that enables the system administrator to connect the solution on SAP BTP to different financial communication systems. These systems can be on-premise and Cloud systems.
Key Concepts: Specify Communication Systems Component is a Fiori UI for Financial Closing Cockpit (FIN-FIO-FCC) in SAP. It enables users to define communication systems for the financial closing cockpit, which is used to monitor and control the financial closing process. The communication systems are used to send notifications and alerts to users when certain events occur in the financial closing process. How to use it: To use Specify Communication Systems Component, users must first define the communication systems they want to use. This can be done by selecting the communication system type, such as email, SMS, or push notifications. Then, users must enter the details of the communication system, such as the recipient’s email address or phone number. Finally, users must specify when they want to receive notifications and alerts from the financial closing cockpit. Tips & Tricks: When defining communication systems for the financial closing cockpit, it is important to ensure that all of the details are correct. This includes making sure that all of the recipient’s contact information is accurate and up-to-date. Additionally, it is important to specify when notifications and alerts should be sent so that users are not overwhelmed with too many messages. Related Information: For more information about Specify Communication Systems Component, please refer to SAP’s official documentation at
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