Component: CA-VE
Component Name: SAP Visual Enterprise
Description: A jagged effect seen when a PC tries to recreate a curved or diagonal surface in 3D. Jaggies are caused when the resolution is not sufficiently high to correctly create the curve.
Key Concepts: Jaggy is a term used to describe the jagged edges of an object when it is rendered in 3D. It is caused by the lack of anti-aliasing, which is a technique used to smooth out the edges of an object. In SAP Visual Enterprise Viewer, jaggy can be seen when viewing 3D models that have not been properly anti-aliased. How to use it: In order to reduce jaggy in SAP Visual Enterprise Viewer, you must enable anti-aliasing. This can be done by going to the “View” menu and selecting “Anti-Aliasing”. Once enabled, the jagged edges of 3D models will be smoothed out and the overall image quality will be improved. Tips & Tricks: When using SAP Visual Enterprise Viewer, it is important to remember that anti-aliasing can have a significant impact on performance. If you are experiencing performance issues, try disabling anti-aliasing and see if that helps. Related Information: For more information on anti-aliasing and how it can improve image quality in SAP Visual Enterprise Viewer, please refer to the official documentation here:
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