Component: BC
Component Name: Basis Components
Description: A small piece of information created by the Web server and stored in the client's Web browser. A cookie is passed to the Web server each time the user contacts the server. Cookies are primarily used for personalization purposes. There are two types of cookie - persistent and non-persistent: Persistent cookies are stored as files and are therefore available to the Web browser for a longer period of time Non-persistent cookies are stored in the Web browser's main memory and are therefore deleted when the Web browser is closed
Key Concepts: A cookie is a small piece of data stored on a user's computer by a web browser. It is used to identify the user and store information about their preferences and activities. In SAP, cookies are used to store session information, such as the user's language preference or the last page they visited. How to use it: Cookies are used in SAP to store session information, such as the user's language preference or the last page they visited. This allows the system to remember the user's preferences and provide a more personalized experience. To enable cookies in SAP, go to the System Administration menu and select “System Configuration”. Then select “Cookies” and enable the “Enable Cookies” option. Tips & Tricks: It is important to note that cookies can be used to track user activity, so it is important to be aware of how they are being used in your system. Additionally, it is important to ensure that cookies are enabled in order for certain features of SAP to work properly. Related Information: For more information on cookies in SAP, please refer to the official SAP documentation at
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