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HRPA_ARCH047 - Selection date "Select Data Until" reset to: &1

SAP Error Message - Details

  • Message type: E = Error

  • Message class: HRPA_ARCH -

  • Message number: 047

  • Message text: Selection date "Select Data Until" reset to: &1

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  • What causes this issue?

    The selection date <LS>Select Data Until</> has been reset. This can be
    for the following reasons:
    The earliest retroactive accounting date that you have specified in the
    Customizing activity <DS:SIMG.OHAX_DP_T77PARETROLIM>Define Earliest
    Retroactive Accounting Date for the Destruction of Data</> precedes the
    date that you have entered on the selection screen.
    The <DS:DE.PRRDT>personal earliest retroactive accounting date for
    payroll</> from the infotype <LS>Payroll Status</> (0003)
    the <DS:DE.PRTEV>personal earliest retroactive accounting date for the
    time evaluation</> from infotype 0003 precedes the date that you have
    entered on the selection screen.
    The <DS:DE.PARC_PRDAT>personal earliest retroactive accounting date</>
    that has been set by an archiving session for payroll in the infotype
    <LS>Archiving/Destruction Log</> (infotype 0283)
    the <DS:DE.PARC_PRTEV>personal earliest retroactive accounting date</>
    that has been set by an archiving session for the time evaluation in
    infotype 0283 precedes the date that you have entered on the selection
    The date that was set by implementing method MODIFY_MAX_RETRO_LIMIT of
    BAdI interface IF_HRPA_RETRO_LIMIT precedes the date that you have
    entered on the selection screen.

    System Response

    If the calculated date is within the last payroll period, the system
    determines the end date of the previous payroll period. This end date is
    then the date until which the system selects the data to be destroyed.
    If the calculated date falls at the end of the last payroll period, this
    end date is also the date until which the system selects the data to be

    The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.

    Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.

Smart SAP Assistant

  • What is the cause and solution for SAP error message HRPA_ARCH047 - Selection date "Select Data Until" reset to: &1 ?

    The SAP error message HRPA_ARCH047 indicates that the "Select Data Until" date has been reset to a specific date (represented by &1) during the archiving process in the Human Resources (HR) module. This typically occurs when the system detects that the date you have entered for the selection of data to be archived is not valid or is outside the acceptable range.


    1. Invalid Date Range: The date you specified for the "Select Data Until" field may be earlier than the earliest date of the data available for archiving or later than the current date.
    2. System Configuration: There may be configuration settings in the archiving object that restrict the date range for archiving.
    3. Data Consistency: The system may have found inconsistencies in the data that prevent it from processing the specified date.


    1. Check Date Input: Ensure that the date you are entering in the "Select Data Until" field is valid. It should be within the range of the data you want to archive and should not be a future date.
    2. Review Archiving Object Settings: Check the configuration of the archiving object in transaction SARA. Ensure that the settings allow for the date range you are trying to use.
    3. Consult Documentation: Refer to the SAP documentation for the specific archiving object you are working with to understand any constraints or requirements regarding date selection.
    4. Use Default Date: If the system resets the date to a default value, consider using that date or adjusting your selection criteria accordingly.
    5. Check for Data Issues: Investigate if there are any data consistency issues that might be causing the reset. This may involve checking for missing or corrupted data in the HR tables.

    Related Information:

    • Transaction Codes: You can use transaction codes like SARA (Archive Administration) to manage archiving processes and check settings.
    • SAP Notes: Look for relevant SAP Notes that might address specific issues related to archiving in HR. These notes can provide patches or additional guidance.
    • Support: If the issue persists, consider reaching out to SAP support or your internal SAP team for further assistance.

    By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the HRPA_ARCH047 error and successfully archive the desired HR data.

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