Message type: E = Error
Message class: AA - Messages for Asset Accounting
Message number: 731
Message text: Asset &1 &2 termination in co. code &3 - inform sytem administrator
Processing was terminated because of a data base error.
Processing stopped, because of errors in the update in Table ANLC for
the asset specified.
Contact your Systems Specialist.
The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.
Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.
Cause: SAP error message AA731 occurs when there is an issue with the asset in the company code. This error message indicates that the asset has been terminated in the company code, and it needs to be resolved by the system administrator.
Solution: To resolve this error message, the system administrator needs to check the asset master data in the company code. They need to ensure that the asset is not marked as "terminated" in the system. If it is marked as terminated, they need to reverse the termination and reactivate the asset.
Related Information: The SAP error message AA731 is related to asset management in SAP. It is important to ensure that all assets are properly managed and maintained in SAP to avoid any errors or issues. The system administrator should regularly review and update the asset master data to ensure that all assets are active and properly accounted for in the company code.
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SAP messages fall into 3 different categories: Error messages
(message type = E), Warnings (W) or Informational (I) messages.
An error message will prevent you from continuing your work - it is a hard stop and you need to fix the error before you can proceed. A warning message will stop your work, however, you can then bypass the warning by pressing the Enter key on your keyboard. That said, it is still good practice to investigate the cause of the warning message and address it. An information message will not stop your work and is truly just for informational purposes.
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