Message type: E = Error
Message class: AA - Messages for Asset Accounting
Message number: 730
Message text: Last posting run terminated (Restart in period & &)
The last posting run in period &V2& &V1& was terminated by an error.
Before any more posting runs are performed, you must restart the
posting run for period &V2& &V1&.
The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.
Start the posting run for period &V2& &V1& again using the restart
Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.
As an AI language model, I don't have access to the specific details of your SAP system. However, I can provide you with some general information about the SAP error message AA730.
Cause: The error message AA730 is related to the Asset Accounting module in SAP. It occurs when the last posting run for asset accounting was terminated due to some technical issue or system error. The error message indicates that you need to restart the posting run in a specific period and fiscal year.
Solution: To resolve this error, you need to restart the posting run in the specified period and fiscal year. You can do this by following these steps:
- Go to transaction code AFAB.
- Enter the company code, fiscal year, and period for which you want to restart the posting run.
- Click on Execute.
- The system will restart the posting run for the specified period and fiscal year.
Related Information: The error message AA730 is a common issue in SAP Asset Accounting. It can occur due to various reasons such as system errors, network issues, or incorrect configuration settings. To avoid this error, you should regularly monitor your asset accounting processes and ensure that all configuration settings are correct.
In addition, you should also perform regular system maintenance activities such as database backups, system updates, and performance tuning to ensure that your SAP system runs smoothly without any errors or issues.
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AA729 Not all the documents in the last posting run were posted
What causes this issue? The posting session created in the last posting run was...
AA728 Documents manually posted within dep.doc.number range
What causes this issue? In the number range interval for the document type for ...
AA731 Asset &1 &2 termination in co. code &3 - inform sytem administrator
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AA732 Asset &1 &2 termination in co. code &3 - inform sytem administrator
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SAP messages fall into 3 different categories: Error messages
(message type = E), Warnings (W) or Informational (I) messages.
An error message will prevent you from continuing your work - it is a hard stop and you need to fix the error before you can proceed. A warning message will stop your work, however, you can then bypass the warning by pressing the Enter key on your keyboard. That said, it is still good practice to investigate the cause of the warning message and address it. An information message will not stop your work and is truly just for informational purposes.
Click on this link to search all SAP messages.