Message type: E = Error
Message class: R7B - BW Metadata (InfoCube, InfoObject, InfoObject catalog)
Message number: 227
Message text: Referenz von Merkmal &1 geändert - Attribute SID Tab. werden aufgebaut
You have changed the reference characteristic for characteristic &V1&
from &V2& to &V3&. As a result, the characteristic values from
characteristic &V1& are assigned to other SIDs.
The attribute SID tables for the characteristics that use characteristic
&V1& as a navigation attribute have to be regenerated.
The relevant characteristics are listed in the next section of the log.
Activating characteristic &V1& can take quite a while. If necessary,
execute activation in the background.
If you have undone the reference for characteristic &V1& (meaning that
the reference characteristic is now the characteristic itself), upload
the characteristic master data used, or maintain it manually. This will
no longer be delivered by the reference characteristic &V2&. This
affects the following cases:
When using characteristic values in DataStore objects
When using characteristic values in the display attributes of other
Characteristic values that are used in the navigation attributes of
other characteristics are generated automatically in the SID and master
data tables of the changed characteristic.
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