Message type: E = Error
Message class: R7B - BW Metadata (InfoCube, InfoObject, InfoObject catalog)
Message number: 225
Message text: Tabelle &1 ist durch DDIC Umsetzung gesperrt - kann nicht aktiv. werden
Table &V1& is being processed with the DDIC converter or such a
conversion was terminated due to errors.
Conversion type: &V2& (&V3&)
Conversion status: &V4& ("R" means the job is currently running, "E"
means the job was terminated with errors).
Table &V1& cannot be activated. Therefore, the corresponding BW object
and, if applicable, the BW objects that are still dependent also cannot
be activated.
If you are about to activate InfoObjects and you receive the query
<ZH>"Do you want to convert the tables that have to be converted?"</>
or the
<DS:NA.R7236>message "Schedule the table to be converted as background
then proceed as described in the message. You can use the menu to go
back to <LS>Additions -> Database Tables -> Convert or -> Convert All</>
in the table conversion.
If the DDIC conversion is still running, wait until it is finished. You
can see the conversion status in <DS:TRAS.SE14>transaction SE14</>.
End the conversion of table &V1&, if possible, with
<DS:TRAS.SE14>transaction SE14</>. After a termination or an error, the
conversion is restarted at the termination point. Afterwards, you should
be able to activate the characteristic.
If the conversion cannot be continued without errors, delete the lock
for the table by deleting the job. <ZH>Note:</> In this case, data will
most likely be lost, and you will have to subsequently reload data.
If the characteristic is still unable to be activated, delete the
database table with <DS:TRAS.SE14>transaction SE14</> or with the
DB_DROP_TABLE function module. Then you definitely will have to reload
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