Message type: E = Error
Message class: QY - QM: Sample management
Message number: 309
Message text: Taille totale de tous les échantillons physiques supérieure à taille lot
The total quantity of all primary samples calculated by the system is
greater than the inspection lot quantity.
This problem can only occur if:
The system uses several sample-drawing items in the sample-drawing
procedure to calculate the material samples.
The sum of the primary samples for <ZH>one</> sample-drawing item are
smaller than the lot quantity, but the sum of the primary samples for
<ZH>all</> sample-drawing items are greater than the lot quantity.
If the system finds only one sample-drawing item to calculate the
samples and it determines that the total quantity of the samples for the
sample-drawing item exceeds the lot quantity, it reduces the number of
samples to a single primary sample. The system defines the size of the
primary sample to match the inspection lot quantity.
Le système émet un message d'erreur et ne vous permettra pas de poursuivre cette transaction tant que l'erreur n'est pas résolue.
Make sure a valid task list exists for the material. The task list must
have a sample-drawing procedure assigned to it, which has only one
applicable sample-drawing item.
If the <ZH>inspection lot was created automatically</>, you can use the
transaction to change an inspection lot to retrigger the inspection
sample and material sample calculation. You must select an appropriate
inspection plan for the inspection lot as described above.
If you are <ZH>creating the inspection lot manually</>, save the
inspection lot before you call up the function to change the inspection
lot as described in the item above (automatic inspection lot creation).
Extrait du message d'erreur du système SAP. Copyright SAP SE.
QY308 L'instruction d'échantillonnage n'existe plus
&Cause& While preparing to print the sample-drawing instruction, the sy...
QY307 Déterminat.d'échant.: données manquantes sur nbre et unité conditionnemnt
Quelle est la cause de ce problème? The specifications in the sample-drawing ...
QY310 Il existe plus d'une instruct.d'échantillonnage pour opér. &1
Quelle est la cause de ce problème? While determining the sample-drawing inst...
QY311 Aucun échantillon physique existant pour création de lot de contrôle
Message auto-explicatif Étant donné que SAP estime que ce message d'erreur spÃ...
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