Message type: E = Error
Message class: CN - Meldungen für Netzpläne
Message number: 881
Message text: Nº de clases de capacidad sobrepasa cl. de capacidad en psto. de trabajo
You have entered a number of individual capacities in the activity
which exceeds the number you defined for the work center.
In this check only the individual capacities in the capacity header of
the work center are taken into account, not the capacities in the
shifts, of which there may be more.
If you choose <ls>Continue</>, the system copies the values without
changing them. If you choose <LS>New Entry</>, the system highlights
the influencing data. Depending on the calcualtion key, you can change
the duration, work or the number of capacities.
Check the number of individual capacities in the work center in the
capacity header and the shifts. Make the necessary changes here or
adjust the data in the activity.
Extracto de mensaje de error del sistema SAP. Copyright SAP SE.
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