Message type: E = Error
Message class: HRPA_ARCH -
Message number: 105
Message text: Infotype 0283 subtype &1: Subtype characteristics inconsistent (V_T591A)
For destruction objects with archiving subobjects, the setting
"ObjIDallw" has to be selected in the view V_T591A "Subtype Character
When writing the destruction log, it is necessary that the "object
identification for subtype" OBJPS can be set if data is to be destroyed
for more than one archiving object.
The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.
Ensure the subtype characteristics for infotype 0283 ans subtype &V1&
are correct.
Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.
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HRPA_ARCH104 Personnel numbers not processed successfully; restart the delete program
Self-Explanatory Message Since SAP believes that this specific error message is ...
HRPA_ARCH103 Error destroying the data for pers. number &1; pers. number is skipped
Self-Explanatory Message Since SAP believes that this specific error message is ...
HRPA_ARCH106 BAdI HRPA_B_GET_CONFIG is not implemented for the archiving object
Self-Explanatory Message Since SAP believes that this specific error message is ...
HRPA_ARCH107 Data for arch. subobj. &2 to &3 prep. for supplementary data destruction
What causes this issue? Preprocessing for the destruction of data has been run ...
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(message type = E), Warnings (W) or Informational (I) messages.
An error message will prevent you from continuing your work - it is a hard stop and you need to fix the error before you can proceed. A warning message will stop your work, however, you can then bypass the warning by pressing the Enter key on your keyboard. That said, it is still good practice to investigate the cause of the warning message and address it. An information message will not stop your work and is truly just for informational purposes.
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