Message type: E = Error
Message class: CNV - Conversion: Messages for Conversion Services (CNCC)
Message number: 421
Message text: Test run of conversion programs after end of selection is not allowed.
You are trying to start a program in test mode, but according to the
status management information the data selection for this program has
already been completed in update mode.
If you run the program in test mode, the data in the conversion cluster
may be deleted, which in turn would lead to inconsistencies in some
conversion scenarios (delete-insert logic).
For this reason, it is no longer possible to start the program in test
Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.
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CNV420 User &1 is not authorized to lock users
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CNV419 You are not authorized to lock users
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CNV422 Predecessor activity "&1" was executed in test run only
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CNV423 There are old process tree entries
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SAP messages fall into 3 different categories: Error messages
(message type = E), Warnings (W) or Informational (I) messages.
An error message will prevent you from continuing your work - it is a hard stop and you need to fix the error before you can proceed. A warning message will stop your work, however, you can then bypass the warning by pressing the Enter key on your keyboard. That said, it is still good practice to investigate the cause of the warning message and address it. An information message will not stop your work and is truly just for informational purposes.
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