CLS_TRANSL_DEPTH001 - User &1 has no authorization to perform the activity &2 within &3; &4

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SAP Error Message - Details

  • Message type: E = Error

  • Message class: CLS_TRANSL_DEPTH - Messages for Translation Relevance Maintenance

  • Message number: 001

  • Message text: User &1 has no authorization to perform the activity &2 within &3; &4

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  • What causes this issue?

    User &V1& has no authorization to perform the activity &V2& within &V3&.

    System Response

    The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.

    How to fix this error?

    See SAP note 1761410 for further information.
    As there is no automated notification workflow between the various
    development systems and the respective translation systems, any changes
    made to the translation languages of an ABAP package should always be
    discussed with the responsible product translation group of your
    organization and with SAP Language Services (SLS).
    Note that any changes to the classification that lead to a reduction in
    translation scope can cause the following problem: If the package in
    question already contains translated texts for languages eliminated by
    this change, then these texts will no longer be included in the
    translation process for these languages. This would alsomean that
    systems would display obsolete texts in the eliminated languages, and
    not the most up-to-date versions.
    The problem described above also affects repository objects that are
    moved between packages, when the target package has a classification
    with a lower translation scope than the old package. It is particularly
    important to bear this in mind because you do not see a pertinent
    warning when moving an object to another package.
    This classification only determines the target languages into which a
    package is translated. The original language of the repository objects
    in a package, however, can be defined independently of the translation

    Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.


  • What is the cause and solution for SAP error message CLS_TRANSL_DEPTH001 - User &1 has no authorization to perform the activity &2 within &3; &4 ?

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