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BRF407 - Error in tree structure in TBRF230 - Node could not be added

SAP Error Message - Details

  • Message type: E = Error

  • Message class: BRF - Messages for Business Rule Framework

  • Message number: 407

  • Message text: Error in tree structure in TBRF230 - Node could not be added

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  • What causes this issue?

    Table TBRF230 contains (group) nodes that cannot be included in the

    The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.

    There are three possible reasons for the error:
    A node has declared itself to be a higher node.
    Several nodes have indicated another node to be the higher node and
    vice-versa. This isolated subtree cannot be included in the existing
    A higher node has been deleted in the meantime.

    System Response

    The tree cannot be set up.

    How to fix this error?

    Adjust table TBRF230 in maintenance view M_TBRF230.

    Procedure for System Administrators

    Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.

Smart SAP Assistant

  • What is the cause and solution for SAP error message BRF407 - Error in tree structure in TBRF230 - Node could not be added ?

    The SAP error message BRF407 indicates that there is an issue with the tree structure in the Business Rule Framework (BRF) when trying to add a node. This error typically occurs in the context of rule definitions and decision tables within the BRF+ environment.


    The error can be caused by several factors, including:

    1. Invalid Node Structure: The node you are trying to add may not conform to the expected structure of the tree. This could be due to incorrect parent-child relationships or violations of the tree's hierarchy.

    2. Duplicate Nodes: Attempting to add a node that already exists in the tree can trigger this error.

    3. Data Integrity Issues: There may be underlying data integrity issues within the BRF+ application that prevent the addition of new nodes.

    4. Authorization Issues: Lack of proper authorizations to modify the BRF+ rules or tree structure can also lead to this error.

    5. Technical Issues: There could be technical issues or bugs in the BRF+ implementation or configuration.


    To resolve the BRF407 error, you can take the following steps:

    1. Check Node Structure: Review the structure of the tree you are trying to modify. Ensure that the node you are adding has a valid parent and that the hierarchy is maintained correctly.

    2. Verify Node Uniqueness: Ensure that the node you are trying to add does not already exist in the tree. If it does, consider updating the existing node instead of adding a new one.

    3. Review Authorizations: Check your user authorizations to ensure you have the necessary permissions to modify the BRF+ rules and tree structure.

    4. Check for Data Integrity Issues: Look for any inconsistencies or issues in the existing data that might be causing the problem. You may need to run consistency checks or validations.

    5. Consult Logs: Check the application logs for any additional error messages or warnings that could provide more context about the issue.

    6. SAP Notes and Support: If the issue persists, consult SAP Notes for any known issues related to BRF407. You may also consider reaching out to SAP support for assistance.

    Related Information:

    • BRF+ Documentation: Familiarize yourself with the BRF+ documentation to understand the tree structure and how nodes are managed.
    • Transaction Codes: Use transaction codes like TBRF230 to access the BRF+ configuration and rule definitions.
    • Community Forums: Engage with SAP community forums or user groups where similar issues may have been discussed.

    By following these steps, you should be able to identify the cause of the BRF407 error and implement a suitable solution.

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