Message type: E = Error
Message class: AA - Messages for Asset Accounting
Message number: 756
Message text: You cannot make multiple postings to area &.
The depreciation posting run was interrupted due to an incorrect
setting in Customizing.
The system issues an error message and will not allow you to continue with this transaction until the error is resolved.
The system carries out a check of the depreciation areas to be posted
during the depreciation posting run. During this check, the system
determined that multiple postings were to be made to depreciation area
&V1&. This multiple posting problem was caused by the incorrect
configuration in Customizing of the areas to be posted.
Area &V1& is automatically posted due to a currency connection with
area &V2&, and is posted again either on its own, or through a
currency connection with a third depreciation area.
Check the configuration for the posting of depreciation.
Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.
The SAP error message AA756 ("You cannot make multiple postings to area &.") typically occurs in the Asset Accounting (FI-AA) module when there is an attempt to post multiple transactions to the same asset area in a single posting period. This is often related to the configuration of asset areas and the posting rules defined in the system.
- Multiple Postings: The error arises when there are attempts to post different transactions (like acquisitions, retirements, or adjustments) to the same asset area for the same period.
- Configuration Settings: The asset area may be configured to allow only one posting per period, which is common for certain asset types or in specific business scenarios.
- Posting Period: The error can also occur if the posting period is closed or if there are restrictions on posting to that period.
- Check Asset Area Configuration: Review the configuration of the asset area in the Asset Accounting settings. Ensure that it is set up to allow multiple postings if that is required for your business process.
- Post Separately: If the configuration does not allow multiple postings, consider posting the transactions separately in different periods or adjusting the posting strategy.
- Open Posting Period: Ensure that the posting period is open for the transactions you are trying to post. If the period is closed, you may need to open it or post in a different open period.
- Transaction Review: Review the transactions you are trying to post to ensure they are not conflicting with each other. For example, if you are trying to post an acquisition and a retirement for the same asset area in the same period, you may need to adjust the timing of these postings.
Related Information:
(Create Asset), AS02
(Change Asset), and AB01
(Post Document) to manage asset postings.If the issue persists after trying the above solutions, it may be beneficial to consult with your SAP support team or a functional consultant who specializes in Asset Accounting for further assistance.
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