Message type: E = Error
Message class: AA - Messages for Asset Accounting
Message number: 720
Message text: Company code & is not defined
You have entered a company code which is not defined in the System.
Processing not possible.
Define the company code in the System or correct your entry.
Error message extract from SAP system. Copyright SAP SE.
Cause: SAP error message AA720 occurs when the company code entered in the transaction is not defined in the system. This error can occur due to various reasons such as incorrect company code entered, company code not created in the system, or the company code has been deleted.
Solution: To resolve this error, follow the below steps:
- Check if the correct company code has been entered in the transaction.
- Ensure that the company code is created in the system.
- If the company code has been deleted, recreate it in the system.
- Check if there are any authorization issues for accessing the company code.
Related Information: The SAP error message AA720 is related to company codes and can occur in various transactions such as asset accounting, financial accounting, and controlling. It is important to ensure that the correct company code is entered while performing any transaction to avoid this error. Additionally, it is recommended to regularly check and maintain the company codes in the system to avoid any issues related to them.
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