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TR166 - Schlüsselbeschreibung enthält alte Vorgabe

SAP Error Message - Details

  • Message type: E = Error

  • Message class: TR - Change and Transport System

  • Message number: 166

  • Message text: Schlüsselbeschreibung enthält alte Vorgabe

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  • Was verursacht dieses Problem?

    A key definition was processed that was defined according to an
    outdated description rule. An area was defined by specifying a FROM
    field and a TO field.
    The old specifications were:
    Object : "&V1&"
    Table : "&V2&"
    FROM field : "&V3&"
    TO field : "&V4&"
    Specifying intervals with upper and lower limits to define key
    ranges can have undesired effects and/or cause errors, as the decision
    as to whether a given key lies in the interval depends on the codepage


    You must enter a new definition to replace the old one.

    Wie behebe ich diesen Fehler?

    List generic areas to define key ranges.
    Delete the entry and add the appropriate generic description lines.
    Example: old: from Y to ZZZ
    should be replaced by
    new: Y*
    and Z*
    Therefore, in this example, the one old line is replaced by two new
    <ZH>Example of error case:</>
    Range: XX* to YY*
    Permissible on ASCII computers: e.g. keys "Z1234", "Z9*"
    Permissible on EDCDIC computers: e.g. keys "Y1234", "Y9*"
    The permissible ranges on the two types of computers are mutually
    exclusive; when such a key is actually permitted, this is due to
    coincidence more than anything else.
    In contrast, configured key specifications, such as
    A* to X* ,
    are not critical, as no special characters and/or numeric values
    could be involved in a codepage.

    Fehlermeldungsextrakt aus SAP-System. Copyright SAP SE

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