S_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY260 - Reihenfolge der Schlüsselfelder im View &1 nicht korrekt

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SAP Error Message - Details

  • Message type: E = Error

  • Message class: S_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY - IMG Activity

  • Message number: 260

  • Message text: Reihenfolge der Schlüsselfelder im View &1 nicht korrekt

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  • Was verursacht dieses Problem?

    Switch BC sets: The sequence of the key fields in view &V1& of view
    cluster &V2& does not agree with the sequence of the key fields in the
    primary table.
    In principle, generic data records can be added for each table/view in
    switch BC sets. When this is done, the view keys are saved in the switch
    BC set. When the data is activated, the view data records are converted
    to the data records of the primary and, if applicable, secondary tables.
    If generic data records for the affected view exist in the switch BC
    set, the sequence change would lead to a change in the generic logic of
    the data record, or the generic logic would disappear.
    For a view, the key fields VK1 VK2 VK3 are in the switch BC set. The
    Primary table contains the key fields PK1 PK2 PK3, whereby the mapping
    VK1 = PK1, VK2 = PK3 and VK3 = PK2 applies for the view, i.e. the
    sequence of the last two key fields is reversed. All fields should have
    a length of 1 and be character fields, so that a fully specified data
    record in the switch BC set could look like this: 'ABC', whereby 'A' is
    assigned to field VK1, 'B' to field VK2 and 'C' to field VK3.
    If the generic data record AB* were in the BC set, a translation to the
    primary table key would yield the data record A*B. This logic is
    therefore not correct and would lead to inconsistent data when the
    switch BC set is activated in the target system.


    If the view &V1& cannot be used in Switch BC Sets.

    Wie behebe ich diesen Fehler?

    To make view cluster &V2& compatible with switch BC sets, the
    responsible (SAP) developer needs to change the sequence of the key
    fields in view &V1& to match the primary table key fields. A change in
    the ABAP Dictionary definition (transaction SE11) suffices for this. It
    is not necessary to regenerate the existing maintenance dialog
    (transaction SE54).
    Then the view &V2& can be used in switch BC sets.

    Fehlermeldungsextrakt aus SAP-System. Copyright SAP SE


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