S_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY202 - Feld &2 der Tabelle/View &1 wird nicht über diese Tabelle/View gepflegt

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SAP Error Message - Details

  • Message type: E = Error

  • Message class: S_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY - IMG Activity

  • Message number: 202

  • Message text: Feld &2 der Tabelle/View &1 wird nicht über diese Tabelle/View gepflegt

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  • Was verursacht dieses Problem?

    You cannot maintain field '&V2&' in table/view &V1& in this table/view.
    The origin table of field '&V2&' in table/view &V1& does not have a
    suitable foreign key relationship to the primary table in table/view
    &V1&, which allows you to make changes to the field. Consequentially, in
    the object definition of table/view &V1& (see the table/view bill of
    material in transaction SOBJ), either the origin table does not exist or
    you have not set the DDIC flag for this table. You can only maintain a
    field of this kind directly by using the origin table or by using a view
    based on it with a suitable foreign key relationship to the origin
    table. You cannot use table/view &V1& to maintain the field.


    Since maintenance of field '&V2&' is not possible by using table/view
    &V1&, you cannot use it in this table/view in the BC set, that is, the
    BC set maintenance transaction prohibits inclusion of this kind of
    field. You cannot select these fields in the field selection.
    For the above reasons, you cannot import the fields by using BC set

    Wie behebe ich diesen Fehler?

    If you require the fields, then use a table/view in which the field can
    be maintained in the BC set in addition to table/view &V1&.

    Vorgehensweise für Systemadministratoren

    Das System gibt eine Fehlermeldung aus und erlaubt Ihnen nicht, mit dieser Transaktion fortzufahren, bis der Fehler behoben ist.

    Fehlermeldungsextrakt aus SAP-System. Copyright SAP SE


  • Was ist die Ursache und Lösung für den SAP Fehler S_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY202 - Feld &2 der Tabelle/View &1 wird nicht über diese Tabelle/View gepflegt ?

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