S_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY073 - Langdoku zum Setzen eines manuellen Ausnahmestatus

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SAP Error Message - Details

  • Message type: E = Error

  • Message class: S_CUS_IMG_ACTIVITY - IMG Activity

  • Message number: 073

  • Message text: Langdoku zum Setzen eines manuellen Ausnahmestatus

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    This function alows you to specify the scenarios supported by the BC Set
    application manually. They are determined automatically by default, and
    should <ZH>only be changed manually in exceptional circumstances. The
    correction overwrites the results of the automatic analysis. Changes to
    the basis of the analysis are ignored.</>
    In an exception, you must distinguish between whether the entire object
    cannot be used in BC Sets, or only individual BC Set application
    scenarios are flagged green (Supported) or red (Not Supported). If the
    entire object cannot be used in BC Sets, all scenarios are flagged 'Not
    You must also determine whether the exception applies to the curent IMG
    activity or for all IMG activities to which the customizing object is
    assigned. In the latter case, the processing status of several IMG
    activities may be updated.
    Note: If the BC Set compatibility check is called from the transaction
    SOBJ, there is no IMG activity in the context, and the exception applies
    to all IMG activities which use the object. Such an object-specific
    exception is only overruled by exceptions which are made at IMG level
    (e.g. bc calling the BC Set compatibility check in the transaction SPRO
    Enter a comment or reason why you have flagged the object as an
    You can reset an exception and reactivate the standard analysis
    mechanisms. If an exception for a particular IMG activity is reset, the
    system checks whether there is an object-specific exception. If so , it
    determines the new application scenarios. If not, application scenarios
    are derived from all error/check messages for the object/IMG activity.
    You can use the function to suppress BC Set scenarios when the analysis
    found no problems, e.g. if customizing settings are only to be imported
    with generated Repository objects. These objects cannot be put in BC
    Sets because that would lead to inconsistencies, so the activation
    should be suppressed.

    Fehlermeldungsextrakt aus SAP-System. Copyright SAP SE


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