RSDD_ZA095 - Host neu starten

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SAP Error Message - Details

  • Message type: E = Error

  • Message class: RSDD_ZA - Messages from TREX Aggregate Area

  • Message number: 095

  • Message text: Host neu starten

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    This hosts on which the BW accelerator is running will be restarted. All
    BW accelerator servers will also be restarted. This action contains the
    actions "Restart BW server" and the "Restart BWA index server". While
    this action is running, you cannot search, index, or execute any other
    actions for the BW accelerator.
    You can start this action from the BW system.,,
    When this action is executed, BW accelerator services are not available
    during the restart. In certain circumstances, the restart may take some
    time. This means that queries cannot be executed against the BW
    accelerator. It is also not possible to index data.
    For security reasons, this action is deactivated by default. If you want
    this action to be available in your system, you must reactivate it.
    To activate the "Restart host" action, you must enter the following
    parameters in table RSDDTREXADMIN by using the "rsddtrex_admin_maintain"
    report (with the "INSERT" option):
    You must then restart the BW accelerator monitor.
    To deactivate the function again, execute the report once again; enter a
    value in the OBJECT field only and choose one of the options UPDATE or


    This action restarts the hosts on which the BW accelerator is running.
    The corresponding messages for the action are displayed in the detailed
    BW accelerator monitor in the BWA Action Messages area. An application
    log is also written. (Object : 'RSDDTZA', subobject: 'ACTIONS')

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