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RD145 - Delta-Update wegen Zuordnungsänderung nicht mehr möglich

SAP Error Message - Details

  • Message type: E = Error

  • Message class: RD - CO-PA Connection to SAP BW

  • Message number: 145

  • Message text: Delta-Update wegen Zuordnungsänderung nicht mehr möglich

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  • Was verursacht dieses Problem?

    Due to a realignment, the hierarchical assignment of characteristic
    values to other characteristic values in Profitability Analysis
    changed. For example, customer A was reassigned to customer group B,
    but was previously assigned to customer group Z.
    Aggregates (summarization levels, summarization data and so on), and
    replicates (for example, CO-PA data in InfoCubes of the SAP BW) created
    before the realignment no longer agree with the segment level data. A
    delta update to the SAP BW can no longer be carried out.
    If you still apply the old delta method with this DataSource, first
    schedule an InfoPackage for a reinitialization of the delta method.
    If you already apply the new delta method "Generic Delta" with the
    DataSource, first delete die initialization selections in all
    BW systems in which the delta method has already been initialized
    for the DataSource. Then schedule InfoPackages for
    a reinitialization of the delta method in the BW systems.


    Das System gibt eine Fehlermeldung aus und erlaubt Ihnen nicht, mit dieser Transaktion fortzufahren, bis der Fehler behoben ist.

    Wie behebe ich diesen Fehler?

    Fehlermeldungsextrakt aus SAP-System. Copyright SAP SE

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