Message type: E = Error
Message class: R7B - BW Metadata (InfoCube, InfoObject, InfoObject catalog)
Message number: 136
Message text: Rundungsungenauigk. treten bei Datentyp FLOAT für AMOUNT und QUANTITY auf
ABAP data type FLOAT is an implementation of the IEEE data type DOUBLE.
In most databases<(>,<)> this data type is also implemented according to
the IEEE specification.
This data type is a floating point data type with mantissa and exponent
encoded in base 2. Because the conversion from base 10 to base 2 is
technically not possible without loss of accuracy for many numbers,
using FLOAT always results in rounding inaccuracies. Examples include
0.15, 25.5 and many more. They cannot be expressed exactly as FLOATs.
SAP Note 2798 describes some of the effects of this behavior. A decimal
shift can cause rounding inaccuracies for example.
All arithmetic operations on FLOAT cause additional inaccuracies. A
simple addition of 2 values has an inaccuracy in the last digit (15).
For 10 additions<(>,<)> you lose 1 digit in accuracy. For 100 additions
<(>,<)> 2 digits are lost, and for 1<(>,<)>000,000 additions 6 digits
are lost. The result of database aggregation SUM on 1 million records
has a remaining accuracy of 8 digits instead of 14 digits. Aggregating 1
billion rows means that only 5 digits will be correct.
Data type FLOAT is therefore not suitable for business-relevant data
like amounts and quantities<(>,<)> where exact results are required (for
example financial key figures).
The system raises a warning if this key figure is defined. The key
figure is used as defined.
Check the key figure definition and change it if used in
business-relevant scenarios. Suitable data types are the ones that the
system proposes by default when you create a key figure. These types use
decimal packed numbers and do not have the specific rounding
inaccuracies of FLOAT.
Das System gibt eine Fehlermeldung aus und erlaubt Ihnen nicht, mit dieser Transaktion fortzufahren, bis der Fehler behoben ist.
Fehlermeldungsextrakt aus SAP-System. Copyright SAP SE
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