Message type: E = Error
Message class: R7 - BW: Data basis
Message number: 848
Message text: Bitte &1 als Zeitbez.merkmal für die Bestände des InfoCube übernehmen
The time-reference characteristic for non-cumulative values must always
be the "finest" time characteristic in the InfoCube. Where possible,
this characteristic is determined automatically by the system and, if
not already contained there, must naturally be included in the
All other time characteristics of the InfoCube can be derived from the
most detailed time reference characteristic
Examples for this:
if calendar month and calendar year are contained in the InfoCube, the
calendar month is the time reference characteristic.
if calendar month and calendar week are contained in the InfoCube, the
calender day must be included in the structure as the finest time
Include the given time characteristic in the structure.
Define it as the reference characteristic for the non-cumulative values
(you can find this function under the menu point 'Maintain non-
cumulative value parameters").
Fehlermeldungsextrakt aus SAP-System. Copyright SAP SE
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