Message type: E = Error
Message class: R7 - BW: Data basis
Message number: 570
Message text: Merkmal &1: Löschen Sie die Fremdschlüssel
The characteristic was modified in such as way that the key for the
master data table changes, meaning:
Characteristics were added to the compound,
Characteristics were deleted from the compound, or
The master data for the characteristic was changed from time-dependent
to time-independent.
Changing th key of the master data table is a far-reaching change to
the data model. The mass activation of the dictionary cannot directly
implement this change.
Before activating the InfoObject, the foreign key for the generated
table must be deleted. For this, choose in the menu Extras --> Database
tables --> Delete foreign key.
If the characteristic is still being used in the compound or as an
attribute by additional characteristics, then you also have to delete
the foreign key for these characteristics.
Subsequently, you can activate the characteristic once again.
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