Message type: E = Error
Message class: R7 - BW: Data basis
Message number: 236
Message text: Planen Sie umzusetzende Tabellen als Job ein (bitte Langtext beachten)
Tables could not be activated because they must be converted.
The tables that must be converted are collected and can be converted
and activated with the background processing.
Confirm this message.
You then get to the database utility of the ABAP/4 Dictionary. Here you
will see the highlighted text: <ls>Mass processing order: "Adjust" the
order is not assigned to a job yet</>.
Confirm the key <ls>Display more</> on the right next to this text.
You will now see a list of the tables, that must be converted. Mark all
(or only a selection) and press the key <ls>Schedule highlighted</>.
In the following dialog box you can decide whether the conversion job
should take place at once or at a certain point in time.
Using the <ls>Save</> key the job is scheduled for the background
Using the <ls>Job overview</> key or the menu path <ls> System -->
Services --> Jobs --> Job overview</> you can monitor the status of
the job and the job log.
By pressing <ls>'Back</> again you return to the InfoObject
Here, you must activate the affected InfoObjects again, but only after
the conversion job has been successfully concluded.
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