Message type: E = Error
Message class: KO - Master data for CO orders
Message number: 322
Message text: Kalkulationsschema & ist nicht vorgesehen
The system defaulted a <DS:GLOS.costing_sheet>costing sheet</> for the
<DS:GLOS.product_cost_collector>product cost collector</>, to
determine the <DS:GLOS.overhead_rate>overhead rates</>. However, this
costing sheet does not exist.
The costing sheet is defaulted as follows:
You stored the cost sheet in the product cost collector manually.
The system determined the costing sheet using the valuation variant as
The order type for the product cost collector refers to the
<DS:GLOS.costing_variant>costing variant</> plan.
The cost variant plan refers to a <DS:GLOS.valuation_variant>valuation
variant</> plan.
The valuation variant plan determines which costing sheet is defaulted.
Go to the implementation guide and check the following values:
Which costing variant plan is assigned to the order type of the product
cost collector.
Which valuation variant plan is assigned to this cost variant.
Which costing sheet is defaulted using this valuation plan.
Fehlermeldungsextrakt aus SAP-System. Copyright SAP SE
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