Message type: E = Error
Message class: KJ - Cost Object Controlling for Make-to-Order Production
Message number: 228
Message text: Plankosten <= Istkosten --> Aufteilungsart nicht anwendbar (&,&)
This procedure apportions the <DS:GLOS.results_analysis_data>results
analysis data</> calculated in <DS:GLOS.results_analysis>results
analysis</> to the <GL:line_ID>line IDs</> in proportion to the
difference between the total planned costs and the actual costs. In this
case, however, the actual costs are greater than or equal to the total
planned costs. This means the method of apportionment cannot be used.
If the <(><<)>DS:DE.VERTEIL_UM>redistribution>Redistribution<(><<)>/>
indicator in the Expert Mode of the valuation methods in Customizing is
set to "A", the reserve portion is set to zero for the line IDs for
which the difference between plan and actual is less than zero. The
reserve is then only distributed to the line IDs with a positive
difference between plan and actual. In this case, the apportionment is
not applicable because there are no line IDs for which the difference
between plan and actual is greater than zero.
The pair (&V1&,&V2&) means (line ID category, results analysis form).
The line ID categories are:
K = costs
P = costs of commissions and complaints
The results analysis forms are:
B = work in process
R = reserves for unrealized costs
P = reserves for commissions and complaints
Das System gibt eine Fehlermeldung aus und erlaubt Ihnen nicht, mit dieser Transaktion fortzufahren, bis der Fehler behoben ist.
When you press ENTER, the system will attempt to select another method
of apportionment. The search will use the following sequence:
Apportionment numbers (based on the apportionment number defined under
<LS>Define Update for Results Analysis</>)
Apportionment numbers, with apportionment numbers per line ID = 1
Only the value of the open period is distributed using the changed
Otherwise, you can go into Customizing in the <LS>Valuation Methods for
Results Analysis</> and choose a method of apportionment for the
selected <DS:GLOS.results_analysis_version>results analysis version</>
that apportions the values differently.
Fehlermeldungsextrakt aus SAP-System. Copyright SAP SE
KJ227 Istkosten offener Perioden = 0 --> Aufteilungsart nicht anwendbar (&,&)
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