Message type: E = Error
Message class: KI -
Message number: 145
Message text: Aktivieren Sie die Geschäftsprozesse im KoReKreis &1 in &2
You assigned a <DS:DE.CO_PRZNR>business process</> although the
<DS:DE.COABC>"Activity-Based Costing Active"</> indicator is not set in
controlling area &V1& in fiscal year &V2&.
As this indicator is not set, neither a check nor a consistent update
can be ensured in Controlling. The business process that you entered can
only be valuated as a true account assignment, but cannot be updated.
Any cost center that you assigned with this is only statistically
If the restrictions listed under &SYSTEM_RESPONSE& are not a problem,
then you can switch this error message off.
You can use the IMG activity to <DS:SIMG.SIMG_CFMENUORK3OBA5>"change the
message control"</> (work area "KI", message no. "145") in the
implementation guide (IMG) under "General Controlling".
If you use the "Business process" field to store your own information
for a posting in the SAP system, you should extend the coding block with
customer fields.
You can use the IMG activity <DS:SIMG.SIMG_XXAK_OXK3>"Maintain Coding
Block"</> for this, in the implementation guide (IMG) under "Special
Fehlermeldungsextrakt aus SAP-System. Copyright SAP SE
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Was verursacht dieses Problem? You want to reverse an activity allocation or ...
KI149 Stornieren Sie zuerst den CO-Umbuchungsbeleg &2.
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