G4043 - Fehler bei der JV-Skontoberechnung in argentinischem Buchungskreis

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SAP Error Message - Details

  • Message type: E = Error

  • Message class: G4 - EC-CS Consolidation

  • Message number: 043

  • Message text: Fehler bei der JV-Skontoberechnung in argentinischem Buchungskreis

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  • For Argentinia discount handling JV has to process the data in a
    special way.
    The following situation will occur:
    The original clearing document shows the discount as normal vendor or
    customer lines. JV has to recognize those lines and internaly mark them
    as dicount lines. But JV can not assign those discount lines to special
    open items.
    During the posting of the clearing document FI will create one
    additional document for each discount line. Those documents mainly
    credit the vendor or customer amount and post it to the discount
    JV has to recognize those documents ans have to split every line like
    in the original document.
    In this process an error occurd which JV can not handle.

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    Fehlermeldungsextrakt aus SAP-System. Copyright SAP SE


  • Was ist die Ursache und Lösung für den SAP Fehler G4043 - Fehler bei der JV-Skontoberechnung in argentinischem Buchungskreis ?

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