Message type: E = Error
Message class: FQ - Payment Requests and Payment Program
Message number: 702
Message text: Tabelleneintrag BSEG fehlt: & & & &
No table entry was found in the BSEG G/L account table for document
&V1& (company code &V2&, fiscal year &V3&) in item &V4&, although the
payment request contains an indicator stating that it has already been
Converting the document is not possible.
Check the document. Either the document has not yet been posted in
which case the corresponding indicator has been set incorrectly. Or
the document has already been posted in which case the entry mentioned
is missing in table BSEG. After a possible repair, you must run the
conversion program again.
Fehlermeldungsextrakt aus SAP-System. Copyright SAP SE
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