EL524 - Zeitvariable Ablesungen werden nicht automatisch mitberücksichtigt

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SAP Error Message - Details

  • Message type: E = Error

  • Message class: EL - IS-U meter reading data processing

  • Message number: 524

  • Message text: Zeitvariable Ablesungen werden nicht automatisch mitberücksichtigt

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  • Was verursacht dieses Problem?

    You want to reverse meter reading documents or change a move-out date,
    or (directly or within a larger activity) you want to create meter
    reading orders for registers with multiple control groups.
    In the current process, additional multiple meter reading documents
    (other than those directly affected) exist for device &V1& on date &V2&
    (and possibly before, or for other devices).
    The multiple meter reading documents are not reversed automatically or
    automatically adjusted to the changed move-out date using the reference
    date for multiple meter readings. This is because the current process
    does not refer to all relevant installations, or because meter reading
    results have already been entered, and would be lost if the meter
    reading documents were included.

    Das System gibt eine Fehlermeldung aus und erlaubt Ihnen nicht, mit dieser Transaktion fortzufahren, bis der Fehler behoben ist.


    The multiple meter reading documents remain unchanged.

    Wie behebe ich diesen Fehler?

    If you also want to reverse the multiple meter reading documents, note
    the meter readings entered and use the <LS>Reverse Meter Reading</>
    transaction to reverse the meter reading documents separately (from the
    menu, choose <LS>Utilities Industry</> -> <LS>Device Management</> ->
    <LS>Meter Reading</> -> <DS:TRAN.EL37>EL37 - Reversal</>).
    If you have changed the move-out date and want to adjust the reference
    date for multiple meter readings to the move-out date, recall the
    move-out document in change mode (from the menu, choose <LS>Utilities
    Industry</> -> <LS>Customer Service</> -> <LS>Process Execution</> ->
    <LS>Move-Out</> -> <DS:TRAN.EC56E>Change</>).
    If you have already created meter reading orders for existing multiple
    meter reading documents, note that the reference date may no longer be
    valid (or cancel the transaction, reverse the multiple meter reading
    documents before the transaction date, and thenrestart the transaction).
    You can find the reference date for multiple meter readings by using the
    transaction for the manual monitoring of meter reading data (from the
    menu, choose <LS>Utilities Industry</> -> <LS>Device Management</> ->
    <LS>Meter Reading</> -> <LS>Monitoring</> -> <DS:TRAN.EL31>Manual</>)
    and open page 2 of the meter reading document at the top right of the

    Fehlermeldungsextrakt aus SAP-System. Copyright SAP SE


  • Was ist die Ursache und Lösung für den SAP Fehler EL524 - Zeitvariable Ablesungen werden nicht automatisch mitberücksichtigt ?

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