EL256 - Gerät &1: Es existieren Ablesebelege in der Zukunft. Vorgang abgelehnt

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SAP Error Message - Details

  • Message type: E = Error

  • Message class: EL - IS-U meter reading data processing

  • Message number: 256

  • Message text: Gerät &1: Es existieren Ablesebelege in der Zukunft. Vorgang abgelehnt

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  • Was verursacht dieses Problem?

    Meter reading documents exist after the transaction date.

    Additional information: When changing the logical register allocation,
    or adding/removing a register (if at all, then through the "No meter
    reading" indicator), these future meter reading orders cannot be
    automatically updated to the modified status. This is only possible for
    small modifications (such as number of decimal places, unit of
    measurement, and so on).
    Additional information: A move-in already exists at the installation on
    the day of the device replacement. This means that the meter reading
    orders have different meter reading reasons to reason 06 (move-in). This
    constellation cannot be recognized.
    Additional information: (At least) one register with a time variable
    control group is involved. An automatic adjustment of these future meter
    reading orders is not possible.
    Additional information: (At least) one of the later meter reading orders
    is to be interpolated. This is not possible in this context.
    Additional information: The reassignment of these meter reading
    documents to the new device ended with an internal error. One of the
    reasons for this could be that the new device does not yet exist in the
    database and must be created as a device info record.


    Transaction execution is rejected.

    Wie behebe ich diesen Fehler?

    You must use the reversal function to delete those meter reading
    documents that lie after the transaction date from the meter reading.

    Fehlermeldungsextrakt aus SAP-System. Copyright SAP SE


  • Was ist die Ursache und Lösung für den SAP Fehler EL256 - Gerät &1: Es existieren Ablesebelege in der Zukunft. Vorgang abgelehnt ?

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