Message type: E = Error
Message class: EI - Foreign Trade: Gen. Output
Message number: 726
Message text: Die & '&' ist für das & '&' nicht gepflegt!
You attempted to enter the &V1& "&V2&" for the &V3& "&V4&". The &V1& "
&V2&" is not maintained for the relevant goods direction or not
maintained at all for &V3& "&V4&" in the Foreign Trade Implementation
Guide (IMG) object 'Define commodity codes / import code numbers by
The following can be specified in the field <LS>Addit. information</>
of the above IMG object:
' ' - Entry valid for goods dispatch/export and inbound
'1' - Inbound transport/import
'2' - Goods dispatch/export
The system does not allow this entry.
You have defined the commodity code '01011990' and provided additional
information '2' in IMG (valid only for the goods direction goods
These commoditiy codes now attempt to assign an MM purchase order
(goods direction: inbound transport/import).
The system would not allow this entry, since the commodity code is only
valid for the goods direction goods dispatch/export.
Fehlermeldungsextrakt aus SAP-System. Copyright SAP SE
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