Message type: E = Error
Message class: EHPRC_CPM_IMDS - Messages for Checks
Message number: 130
Message text: Geben Sie IMDS-Hauptbestandteil für Schmierstoff &1 ein
Basic or surface material &v1& is classified as a lubricant according
to VDA classification 9.2, but none of its pure substances that are
assigned as primary constituents are classified as a lubricant in the
The <ZH>Basic Oils</> category contains 5 primary constituents that can
be used for automotive lubricants (search for <LB>basic oil</> in the
identifier <LS>Pure Substance Name</> or <LS>Synonym</>). These primary
constituents do not contain any substances that have to be declared
according to GADSL. If your oil contains substances that are listed in
GADSL, you must report the GADSL substances separately.
The <ZH>Thickener</> category contains 10 primary constituents that can
be used for automotive lubricants (search for <LB>thickener</> in
identifier <LS>Pure Substance Name</> or <LS>Synonym</>). These primary
constituents do not contain any substances that have to be declared
according to GADSL. If your thickener contains substances that are
listed in GADSL, report the GADSL substances separately.
Das System gibt eine Fehlermeldung aus und erlaubt Ihnen nicht, mit dieser Transaktion fortzufahren, bis der Fehler behoben ist.
INCLUDE EHPRC_IMDS_MESSAGE_RESPONSE OBJECT DOKU ID TXAssign at least one primary constituent according to the IMDS to the
composition of the basic or surface material that is classified as a
IMDS 2130.
Fehlermeldungsextrakt aus SAP-System. Copyright SAP SE
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