Message type: E = Error
Message class: CRM_UBB_PREBILLING - Messages for Prebilling
Message number: 233
Message text: Fehler in der Vorfakturierung von Vertrag &1, Hauptpos. &2 aufgetreten
An error occurred when prebilling contract &V1&, main item &V2&.
The system could not perform prebilling successfully.
Use the other messages in the contract (if available) to check which
errors have occurred. Remove the cause of the error and repeat the
If the error occurred after entry of a reading, then you need to restart
prebilling for this contract using transaction CRM_UBB_POSTPROCESS. If
this is unsuccessful, then you must cancel the reading and then
reactivate it.
In other cases (e.g. upon contract activation = "Inception"), you must
repeat the last action that led to the error. To do this, it may be
necessary to cancel this action in advance.
If the error occurs again, contact your system administrator.
Das System gibt eine Fehlermeldung aus und erlaubt Ihnen nicht, mit dieser Transaktion fortzufahren, bis der Fehler behoben ist.
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