Message type: E = Error
Message class: AD - Data Dictionary application messages
Message number: 708
Message text: Tabelle gesperrt (S. Aufsetzprotokoll alt, Langtext beachten)
The table may not be converted or be processed with the database utility
at the moment for security reasons. There is a restart log which can be
evaluated with the menu option <LS>'Old restart log' </>.
<LS>Error cause:</> table conversion which was carried out with the old
conversion procedure (release level before Rel. 3.0) was terminated at
the time. The system therefore <LS>locked</> the table against further
processing by the database utility.
Das System gibt eine Fehlermeldung aus und erlaubt Ihnen nicht, mit dieser Transaktion fortzufahren, bis der Fehler behoben ist.
<LS>Data might be lost!</>The table is locked against further processing by the database utility.
Evaluate the restart log. For the above-mentioned reasons, you must
search under <LS>'Old restsart log'</>.
General instructions for correction:
>>> If no restart step was marked or if the conversion only reached
step 3 at the most(!!):
Select 'Unlock' in the popup of the restart log. You can then process
the table again.
>>> If conversion reached at least step 4:
Select 'Restart' in the popup of the restart log. Table conversion
continues according to the old procedure (< Rel. 3.0). <LS>Do not select
'Unlock' now or data might be lost. </> The conversion is either
successful or an error message (e.g. an ABAP - Dump or a SYSLOG) gives
further information about the error.
Fehlermeldungsextrakt aus SAP-System. Copyright SAP SE
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