Message type: E = Error
Message class: AD - Data Dictionary application messages
Message number: 546
Message text: Tabelle & (Zahl der gener. gepuff. Felder ist zu groß)
The number of fields to be generically buffered (entry in the
table's technical settings) is greater than or equal to the number of
key fields in the table. This is not acceptable. Only the contents of
key fields are written to the buffer during generic buffering so that
it does not make sense for the number of fields to be greater than the
number of key fields. If the number of fields to be buffered is the
same, the buffering type is 'partial buffering' and not 'generic
Das System gibt eine Fehlermeldung aus und erlaubt Ihnen nicht, mit dieser Transaktion fortzufahren, bis der Fehler behoben ist.
You may not remove key fields from the table as long as a conflicting
number is entered in the technical settings for fields to be
buffered. If you want to remove key fields from the table, you should
correct the technical attributes accordingly. The table will continue
to have the status 'partially active' for as long as there is such an
Fehlermeldungsextrakt aus SAP-System. Copyright SAP SE
AD545 Bitte Datenart und Größenkategorie zur transp. Tabelle & pflegen
Was verursacht dieses Problem? There must be an entry in the technical settin...
AD544 Tabelle & (Puff.berechtig., Pufferungsart inkonsistent)
Was verursacht dieses Problem? There is no entry in the field <LS>Buffe...
AD547 Technische Einstellungen zur Tabelle & modif./erzeugt
Was verursacht dieses Problem? During activation of the table it was found th...
AD548 Technische Einstellungen zu Tabelle & aktiviert
Was verursacht dieses Problem? The technical settings for tables include info...
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