Message type: E = Error
Message class: 63 - Messages for Real Estate Management
Message number: 072
Message text: & Belege vom Storno betroffen, davon können & nicht storniert werden
The reversal run affects &V1& documents. However, the reversal cannot
be carried out for &V2& documents for one of two reasons:
The corresponding document has already been cleared and can no longer
be reversed.
A flow block has been set for one of the rental agreements affected by
the document.
After you leave the log you will be asked whether you want to reverse
the documents. If you answer "yes", all documents except the &V2&
documents will be reversed.
For further details, consult the error log. If most of the documents
cannot be reversed because of blocked rental agreements, do not carry
out the reversal now. Repeat the reversal once the flow blocks on the
rental agreements have been removed (through processing of the
corresponding batch input session).
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